The Monday Byte

shoutout, code reviews and language learning tips

Welcome to the Monday Byte where I send you 4 things each week so you can improve your English and land a remote dev job.

đź“– Word/Phrase - shoutout

I probably take this for granted as a native speaker but shoutout is a great word to start using this week to improve your English.

Does your team have a #gratitude, #grateful, or #thanks channel? Perfect! Give a shoutout to one of your coworkers!

Find more examples on Twitter/X.

💬 Pronunciation - Critique of Programmer’s English

Can you guess what the native language is of this programmer?

Either way, he had me critique one of his latest videos about building a simple iOS app. He has a great pace and rhythm and keeps you interested which is impressive for being a non-native speaker. Enjoy the critique!

Want me to critique your English? Reply to this and let me know!

🗣️ Real World Conversation - How to Do Code Reviews

Doing code reviews is a skill in itself. And it’s much harder when you’re reviewing in English as a non-native speaker. But the good news is, you can get better 🙂 

This is my go-to resource for getting better at code reviews. Why? It’s from the engineering team over at Google! And while their codebase looks significantly different from your team’s codebase, there is a lot you can learn.

Plus! You might even become the go-to reviewer on your team - “Joe gives the best PR reviews.” Who wouldn’t want that?!

đź”— Content - Get Better At Speaking Through Stories

Don’t let the title of the video fool you, this is an AMAZING video of a girl from France sharing how she learned Norwegian. Click the link above to watch the 2min section where she shares a tip about telling stories.

Basically she would:

  1. write a personal story in English

  2. write it in Norwegian and have friend correct to be more native-like

  3. also have native record audio telling the story

  4. listen and learn by heart

Yes, memorizing it would be bad, but instead learn the pronunciation, the vocabulary, the rhythm and own the story. She said this was one of the best things she did. And I think you can use it to get better at English 🙂 

Enjoy the week, we’ll talk again soon.

- Joe

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