The Monday Byte

Channels to shadow

Welcome to the Monday Byte where I send you 4 things each week so you can improve your English and land a remote dev job.

📖 Word/Phrase - marshaling

I saw this in a Slack conversation and thought, “oh this would be great for the newsletter.”

the process of converting data from one format to another, making it compatible for different parts of a program or different programs to work together.

And here’s some code to show this in action:

// Define a TypeScript class representing a person
class Person {
    constructor(public name: string, public age: number) {}

// Create an instance of the Person class
const johnDoe = new Person("John Doe", 25);

// Convert the TypeScript object to JSON (Marshaling)
const jsonJohnDoe: string = JSON.stringify(johnDoe);
console.log("JSON Representation:", jsonJohnDoe);

// Convert JSON back to TypeScript object (Unmarshaling)
const parsedJohnDoe: Person = JSON.parse(jsonJohnDoe);
console.log("Parsed TypeScript Object:", parsedJohnDoe);

💬 Pronunciation - Programmers You Can Shadow

If you can’t tell, I’m all in on shadowing as the way to improve your pronunciation. A friend was asking if I know of any good YouTubers to shadow. Here’s a short list:

🗣️ Real World Conversation - Building Your Own Roadmap

I’ve started working on my own roadmap to becoming a better Product Engineer at work. Unfortunately, I can’t share it publicly because it has links to work things BUT I wanted to share this screenshot so you can see how I’m thinking about this.

Obviously, if I were a non-native English speaker, I’d put English as one of my main three topics. But since I’ve got that down, my 3 areas are:

  • Product

  • Activation

  • Engineering

I’m still fleshing out all the details but will share more once I’m done :)

🔗 Content - High-Quality Tutorial on TALL Stack

My friend Josh (also lives in Arizona) recently released this high-quality tutorial on building modern fullstack applications. It’s not the stack I use, but one I’m interested in learning about.

I’m sharing this because it’s a great piece of input for your English, especially if you want to pick up more technical vocabulary. And it’s 3.5hrs so lots of input from a native speaker.

Enjoy the week, we’ll talk again soon.

- Joe

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