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- The Monday Byte
The Monday Byte
Do your DMs sound like this?
Welcome to the Monday Byte where I send you 5 things each week so you can improve your English and land a remote dev job.
📖 Word/Phrase - alternatives to “you’re welcome”
I don’t know about you, but “you’re welcome” feels formal to me most of the time.
Instead, I like to use one of these phrases, which feel more relaxed
no problem (no prob, or np if super casual)
no worries
of course
don’t mention it
Next time someone thanks you, try using one of these. It’ll help you blend in :)
đź’¬ Pronunciation - Critique of Guido from Argentina
Thank you to Guido for sharing a video for me to critique. He’s a reader of the English Byte newsletter and a friend from Twitter.
Here’s ang 11-min video where I critique his pronunciation.
Want me to critique your English? Reply to this and let me know!
🗣️ Real World Conversation - Accept/Refuse Job Opportunities like a Native
Guido (same community member as above) also shared some screenshots of job opportunity conversations. And he asked me to share feedback.
In this12-min video, I fix his messages to sound more like a native speaker. Then I share some of my own LinkedIn DMs to show you how I (politely) refuse job opportunities.
đź”— Content - Faster JavaScript Newsletter
Similar to last week, this is another area you can dive deep into as a way to level-up your career. If your primary programming language is JavaScript, then this newsletter is for you.
It’s written by Aaron Abrams, a Software Engineer at Meta, who is like you — non-native English.
The first issue hasn’t come out, but from everything I know about Aaron (from our friendship), I know it’s going to be epic.
💪🏼 Exercise - Copywork this DM

Sending cold DMs on Twitter is a powerful technique. It can lead to life-changing opportunities. But, it’s scary doing it in your non-native language.
That’s why I want you to practice. Grab a paper and pen and write this one out by hand. Why? It’s called copywork. And it’s a proven way to develop a “feel” for good writing.
I choose this example because it helped me get a reply from one of my idols, Shaan Puri (co-host of My First Million).
Bonus: We’re at 947 subscribers! When I hit 1,000, I’m sending out a free goodie exclusive to you and the English Byte community :)
Do me a favor and tell 1 friend about the newsletter. It would mean a lot to me 🙏
Enjoy the week, we’ll talk again soon.
- Joe
Can I ask for a favor?
My goal is to help 1,000,000 people improve their English. And I’m going to need your help getting there. Forward them this or tweet out a link 🙏.